Glass ionomer luting cement.
– For crowns, bridges, inlays and orthodontic bands.
– Easy to mix.
– Excellent viscosity.
– High resistance.
– Quick setting.
The kit with 30g powder and accessories
Medical Device of Class IIa
Notified body: PCBC
CE 1434
Reference: 12-210
Position the prosthetic element within 30 seconds after placing the glass ionomer in the intrados. 'During the setting reaction, a gel is formed. It is at this stage that I remove the excess. Note: Continuous handling of the material or mobilization of the prosthesis, during the setting time, significantly decreases the adhesive strength of the cement. Moisture should be avoided until the end of the setting time, without drying out the surface of the dental preparation. I sometimes protect the prosthetic peripheral seal with a varnish, such as dentine protect. I perform preliminary etching when I use glass ionomers as a base for the cavity under the composites. I recommend refrigeration of liquids when not in use for long periods of time.' Dr. Francis Betsch Paris, France
Color: Light yellow. Powder measures: 3 drops of water.
Water-miscible polycarboxylate cement. Indications: – Permanent sealing of crowns, bridges, inlays, onlays, orthodontic bands, in particular on vital teeth. – Cement base for all types of filling material. – Filling deciduous teeth and temporary fillings. Properties: – High adhesion to dentine and to NiCr. – Low acidity. – Constant sealing quality due to precise powder-liquid […]
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